Activity-Based Working Change Management 

Every team member and employee has their own cubical working space in the traditional workplace environment and setting. Nowadays, businesses and companies are replacing their traditional workplace setting with activity-based-working (ABW). Today, we’ll discuss activity-based working change management; its definition, various components and elements, benefits, and challenges of how to create activity-based working setting.

What is Activity-Based Working Change Management?

Activity-based working change management is the method of transforming from a traditional workspace to a modern flexible workplace design. It offers multiple workspace settings and designs for employees and team members depending on the role, task, and function they’re performing.

ABW change management may seem like a new design of workplace setting, but it has been prevailing for the past few decades. Erik Veldhoen first floated the concept in his book “The Demise of the Office.” Traditional workplace settings and design were hiding employees with walls in the cubical cabins. However, his notion was to develop an adaptive and flexible workplace setting relevant to the needs and requirements of employees and team members.

He suggested an idea quiet workspace environment and setting, where employees and team members could collaborate and socialize. Businesses and companies have been executing and evolving ABW change management ever since. (how to create an activity-based working setting)

Components of Activity-Based Working Change Management 

Let’s discuss the main elements and components of activity-based working change management or how to create activity-based working setting as follows;

Continuous Learning

The learning process plays a key role in the continuous improvement and changes of ABW. It comprises gathering feedback and views of employees and team members regularly and making adjustments based on their comments and suggestions.

For instance, a particular workspace setting is functional and operational at the lowest level; it is difficult for employees and team members to perform their tasks and work when needed. You should make changes and adjustments in the design and setting of the office and workspace that would assist employees to perform at the optimum level and find what they want.

Behavioral Reinforcement

You should execute a behavioral reinforcement system to boost the morale of employees and team members to work in the different workspace settings the way they want. For instance, you want a specific socializing and networking that is limited in the working hours; using the meeting room for the booking system. Employees and team members would perform their intended task or activity in the particular space; they won’t utilize the space for other purposes.

Sensory Experiences

You should employ sensory experiences to amplify creativity and productivity. It comprises of paying attention to the temperature, scents, acoustics, and lightening. For instance, you should employ softer and dimmer lighting in the workspace area where employees and team members would focus and concentrate; utilize brighter light in the area where they need coordination and collaboration.

You should set up the right and comfortable temperature for the workplace. Many research studies have shown that either too hot or too cold temperature would negatively impact the productivity and performance of employees.


It is significant to have a well-designed and flexible workspace setting. It comprises developing such a workspace setting and design that would satisfy the needs and requirements of various team members and employees. While designing and structuring the workspace, you should include the following areas in the workspace;

  • Meeting rooms
  • Socializing areas
  • Team collaboration
  • Quiet workspace

Benefits of ABW CM

Some of the main benefits and advantages of activity-based working change management or how to create activity-based working setting are as follows;

Sharing Knowledge & Communication

ABW changes focus on sharing knowledge and open communication among team members and employees because they see and connect with each other throughout the day. When employees can easily share thoughts and ideas, then it leads to improved and collaborative decision-making.

Empowering & Trusting Employees

ABW changes promote empowering and trusting employees by giving them significant control over the workspace setting. When the company designs the workspace the way employees want, then they will commit to their jobs and roles. However, trust plays a key role in establishing better relationships between employees and management. When employees feel like their employers or boss can trust them, then it amplifies a healthy workplace environment.

Higher Productivity

Many research studies have shown that ABW changes amplify employee collaboration and productivity in the workspace by allowing them to work efficiently. When employees and team members could openly move around and choose the space that is relevant to the mindset, they would perform better.

Challenges of ABW CM

Some of the main challenges and disadvantages of activity-based working change management are as follows;

No Colleagues

It no doubt ABW focuses on sharing knowledge and promoting open communication at the individual level; and it makes it difficult for employees to find colleagues at the time of need. It is highly challenging and difficult to find out where the employees are and their activities, without a proper system of settings and spaces. You won’t find a particular employee or team member in their usual spot.


It could result in the form of increasing frustration if implemented poorly. For instance, if there isn’t sufficient workspace for employees and team members in the workplace setting and design, then they won’t have the required things and tools. If there are so many people involved in the brainstorming activity, then they can’t focus on their work or find a quiet space.

Requires Many Changes

When it comes to the successful implementation of ABW, then it requires planned changes and a specific change management plan. Often, ABW results in the form of causing disruption in the workspace. Therefore, management needs to develop a comprehensive plan while developing and implementing ABW changes.

Conclusion: Activity-Based Working Change Management |How to Create Activity-Based Working Setting 

After an in-depth study of the activity-based working change management; we have realized ABW changes are highly significant for improving growth and productivity. If you are learning how to create activity-based working setting and design; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned definition; elements, advantages, and disadvantages.

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