Apple Crisis Management 

Apple is the world’s leading technology and smartphone-manufacturing American company. The tech giant company faced the allegations of unethical supply chain labor practices and they jeopardized the company’s reputation. Today, we’ll discuss Apple crisis management; crisis event; strategic approach, lessons learned from the event, and Apple crisis communication strategy to deal with the crisis. 

Crisis Event to Apple

There were reports and rumors of unethical labor practices in Apple’s suppliers’ factories in China. They comprised sweat factories, child labor, poor working conditions, no safety and security measures, and excessive overtime. However, the reports and rumors of sweat factories went viral on social media and they attracted the attention of a lot of negative media coverage. 

The crisis event threatens the tech company’s brand image, reputation, quality, and customer satisfaction level. The unethical labor practices controversy tarnished the company’s reputation and brand image to a great extent. 

Impact of the Apple’s Controversy 

  • Negative brand perception of Apple by not caring about the health and well-being of workers 
  • Jeopardizing the customer’s trust and confidence and negatively impacting the brand loyalty of customers 
  • Negative media publicity made investors cautious about their investment in a company that doesn’t comply with ethical practices 
  • Damaging the loyal database of customers of Apple with the increasingly negative media reporting
  • Started losing the competitive advantage in the market; because innovative technology is not enough to progress 

Strategic Approach to Apple Crisis Management 

Let’s discuss the strategic approach of Apple’s crisis management are as follows; 

Acknowledging & Conducting Investigation 

As soon as the reports of unethical labor practices started emerging out, Apple showed its concerns by launching a comprehensive investigation to find out the root cause of the problem. The tech giant company acknowledged the significance of transparency in its supply chain network. 

Auditing Suppliers 

The investigation program focused on auditing the suppliers by analyzing their compliance with ethical standards, labor practices, and working conditions. The audit program highlights the non-complying suppliers, gathers relevant data, and implements corrective courses of action. 

Coordinating With Suppliers 

In order to ensure ethical compliance with labor laws and human rights standards; Apple started coordinating with the suppliers. The company started open communication, expressed its expectations and requirements from them, and shared the steps they needed to take to improve the working conditions. 

Developing Suppliers’ Code of Conduct

Apple has set up a clear code of conduct and regulations for suppliers focusing on their ethical and legal requirements for labor practices. The company highlighted the standards and requirements for suppliers that they need to comply with. 

Employees Empowering Program 

Apple was fully aware of the significance of workers’ and employees’ emancipation, their rights, education level, and skill development. In order to address their concerns and grievances; Apple launched educational programs for workers about their rights; and developed a clear mechanism of feedback and consistent improvement. 

Transparent Supply Chain 

Apple took multiple steps to make its suppliers and supply chain network transparent; their information should be accessible to everyone and all the companies. The tech brand started publishing the annual report of suppliers’ audits, responsibility initiatives, and labor feedback. However, the transparent approach allowed the company to earn the trust and confidence of stakeholders, investors, and customers. 

Apple Crisis Communication Strategy 

Let’s discuss the Apple crisis communication strategy in the Apple crisis management as follows; 

Open Communication 

While managing the crisis; Apple launched an open crisis communication with customers, investors, employees, stakeholders, and the general public. The company regularly updates the customers about the steps they have been taking to improve the workers’ conditions. However, an open and transparent communication strategy allowed the company to rebuild the trust and confidence of customers. 


Apple issued a public apology about the distress and damages it has caused to the public. The company took full responsibility for the problems in its supplier’s network and the brand assured its customers and the public to resolve the labor issue and avoid happening it again in the future. However, it showed the company’s willingness and strong commitment to resolve this issue. 

Continuous Improvement 

Apple focused on regularly updating the customers while making continuous improvements and addressing the concerns of employees. The company has made a strong commitment to make its supply chain network responsible and sustainable. It allowed the company to rebuild the trust and confidence of customers.

Lessons Learned from Apple Crisis Management 

Some of the main lessons learned from Apple crisis management and Apple crisis communication and they’re as follows; 

  • Proactively auditing the supplier’s network to recognize the problem and address the labor issue 
  • Open and transparent communication approach to rebuild the trust and confidence of customers 
  • Collaborating with suppliers and offering them relevant support to improve their working conditions 
  • Building a long-term relationship with suppliers to improve their working conditions 
  • Collaborating with industry leaders and peer companies to ensure ethical compliance and resolve the labor suppliers’ issue 

Conclusion: Apple Crisis Communication | Strategic Crisis Management Case Study 

After an in-depth study of Apple crisis management; we have realized that Apple is the world’s leading tech giant company with a worldwide suppliers network. If you are learning about Apple crisis communication; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned crisis event; the impact of the crisis; the strategic approach, and lessons learned on how the tech brand managed the crisis. 

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