HR Conflict Resolution Examples in the Workplace

When diverse and multiple types of people work together in the same place, conflicts and issues are common occurrences. Often HR professionals have the skills and expertise of managing conflicts in the workplace. Comprehending different types of conflicts would help you to foster better relationships among employees and establish a healthier working culture. Today, we’ll discuss HR conflict resolution examples in the workplace; and top workplace conflict resolution examples.

HR Conflict Resolution Examples in the Workplace

Let’s discuss the top HR conflict resolution examples in the workplace; they’re as follows;

Performing Work Differently

Like different types of leadership styles, there are multiple styles and methods of performing work, tasks, and activities. This is because everyone performs tasks differently in terms of managing time and a strategic approach to completing the work. However, the different styles and methods of working would cause conflicts and issues among employees and workers.

Conflict: The supervising manager assigned two employees to create the list and handbook of new employees. The different approaches to work created conflicts and disagreements among them; one prefers to work in a group activity, and the other prefers to work separately. However, they are working on strict time deadlines, one prefers to complete the task on time and the other is arguing on how to write the handbook.

Resolution: The HR manager wants them to perceive things from the perceptual perspectives and shows empathy by perceiving and analyzing things from different perspectives. It allows them to perceive the situation from their views, the opponent’s perspectives, and the perspective of the observer.

Workplace Discrimination

Discrimination causes serious workplace conflict. The Equality Act of 2010 protects the rights and interests of everyone from being discriminated against. However, bias and prejudice come up in various forms like microaggression, indirect comments, and discrimination. If you can recognize and resolve various types of conflicts, then it develops better comprehension among team members.

Conflict: If you have reached the age of promotion; you find out the promotion of other less qualified employees and team members. When you require the customer’s feedback, then you find out it is indirect and vague; other reasons to judge you besides your work performance.

Resolution: If you are experiencing workplace discrimination, then you should bring it to the notice of HR managers. You should discuss it with other supervisors, managers, and employees to find support whatever you could get. The HR manager represents your case and makes sure to give you support.

Interpersonal Conflicts

Some employees, team members, and colleagues are difficult to work with who you really dislike and hate. Active listening, attention to detail, and open communication would help you to resolve conflicts with team members and employees. Without these skills and expertise, they become highly difficult. In such cases, they require proper mediation to resolve the disagreements.

Conflict: You love collaborating with other colleagues and team members, but some individuals just snap you out. Before a professional employment relationship, you are already aware of their opposing views. You have to deal with their nature, attitude, and behavior in the workplace.

Resolution: In order to deal with the conflict, keep in mind that your emotions would aggravate the situation. You should involve the HR manager to act as a mediator to resolve the differences and disagreements between you two.

Creative Differences

Conflict: You are part of an architectural team that is designing the school building. You are working in the team of interior designing of the final color scheme and furniture. However, your focus is on the aesthetic appeal of the color and its impact on the student; your colleagues are focusing on its functionality. They reject your ideas and suggestions without thinking twice, and it causes tension with your colleagues.

Resolution: Working in a team means equal collaboration and coordination with other team members. You could compromise with your team members when necessary to finish the project on the strict deadline. Reframing your mindset is difficult, but it is necessary for your creative thinking.

Not Satisfying the Expectations

Conflict: You are managing the payroll sheet, and one particular employee is late. It is much more than impacting your departmental performance, the other employees would receive their paychecks late. As a result, they aren’t showing interest in the work and withdrawing their efforts. Their work performance is making you feel worried and you are careful about their work performance.

Resolution: Careful and active listening is the best strategic approach to deal with the problem in such a case. It allows you to focus on the verbal and non-verbal cues, and paraphrase their words and sentence after they have just finished talking. You should listen to their perspective and let them speak more.

Conclusion: HR Conflict Resolution Examples in the Workplace | Workplace Conflict Resolution Examples

After an in-depth study of the HR conflict resolution examples in the workplace; we have realized that conflict resolution is a great art and skill. If you are learning about workplace conflict resolution examples; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned examples in various cases and scenarios.

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