Strategies for Implementing Change in an Organization – Examples 

Successful execution of the change plan amplifies the overall productivity of the company. But it is not easy to implement change, it is possible that you would face a lot of resistance, and you should have a strategy and plan to deal with effective implementation. Today, we’ll discuss the top 15 strategies for implementing change in an organization along with examples.

Strategies for Implementing Change in an Organization – Top 15

Some of the top strategies for implementing change in an organization along with examples are as follows;

Bringing Everyone Onboard

Mckinsey said that the change initiative should have ownership and commitment from various levels across the organization. It would play a significant role in the outcome of the change implementation plan. It is necessary that you should bring all the stakeholders on board from top management, leadership, executive, and employees. However, it would help you to reduce the resistance towards change; because it makes them feel that you are valuing, including, and listening to them. In fact, you should encourage your employees to share their conflicts and concerns during the implementation stage and resolve them quickly.

Example – Toyota

Toyota is the world’s leading automotive brand, and the company follows the process of the “Toyota Production System” it focuses on promoting the culture of Nemawashi. Before executing any of the change initiatives, the company shares the main information about the change project with its employees and informs them about the change project in order to get their consensus and feedback.

Recognizing the Scope

Before executing the change initiative, it is significant that you should recognize the need, barriers, resistance, goals, objectives, and priorities for the change project. It would help you for the success of the change implementation. The company should follow the industry trends relevant to the business niche.

Example – Motorola

Motorola used to be the world’s leading button phone brand, and the company didn’t recognize the growing trends of digitalization just like its competitive brand Nokia. Resultantly, both of them lost their market leadership position.


The change initiative plan is good for the growth of the company; but it requires strong foundational elements like the company’s values, supportive culture, and mission statement that offers a guideline. After implementing the change plan, the company’s employees should feel the change that they were working for the same company, but differently.

Bring Excited People

The core of the change initiative is “continuous improvement” and “change for the better.” In the atmosphere of ambiguity and uncertainty regarding the change program, you should hire excited people that self-sufficient and doers. Such types of team members and employees would easily get on board for the change program because their focus is on the development of the organization.

Example – Shopify

Shopify is the world’s leading online platform, and the brand focuses on promoting culture-driven changes. Resultantly, it promotes a culture of innovation and improvement, and it facilitates the change program that you plan on implementing.

Team Building

Every change implementation plan has got various smaller projects that need support from various people in multiple departments to deal with specific tasks and responsibilities. When employees and team members have got clearly defined roles and tasks, their commitment to the change program would increase. You would have to bring professional experts to deal with complications, and it requires you to establish a new infrastructure for the change plan from the ground.

Open Communication

Before executing the change processes, it is significant that you should have open communication with team members and employees and tell them why you are implementing the change. You should offer them the benefits of the change program and how it would impact their daily routine life. Transparent communication is the key and it makes your employees and workforce ready for the change program.

Offer Reason

Speaking of communicating the change program, it is significant that you should give them logical reasons for the change program. It gives them an insight that why you are implementing the changes. Your reasons could be about anything ranging from improving productivity, limited cost, and higher revenue.

Benefits & Incentives

In order to bring employees on board with the change program, you should offer them benefits and incentives. The incentive program would boost their morale and motivation level to implement the changes in their daily working life. For instance, you can invite them to the party if they follow the new tracking system to evaluate their performance daily.

Setting Execution Plan

A successful execution plan requires comprehensive and detailed planning and setting goals and objectives systematically. For easy introduction and launching, you should plan the following elements;

  • Risk factors
  • Project scope
  • Procurement
  • Integration
  • Cost
  • Needed resources
  • Scheduling and time
  • Communication plan

Lead by Example

In order to make people accept the change, it is significant that you should accept and adopt the change by yourself. You should have a positive attitude towards change, and let them know that you are implementing the changes in your life. For instance, if you’re providing training to new employees, then you should try to get to know them and make them feel excited about the change processes and procedures.


According to an estimate, approximately 45% of the employees think that their organizations don’t have a proper system to diagnose the root cause of the problem and how to fix them. You can resolve the situation by getting feedback from your employees about the changes, work fatigue, concerns, and the issues they are facing relevant to the changes. If it is convenient, you should conduct interviews and surveys in order to get their feedback.

Launching on a Small Scale

You should avoid implementing the change directly at the mass scale within the organization. It is better if you implement the changes on a small scale to observe any type of technical issues that would come up as a result of implementing the change. If the top management set the example of adopting the change, then it would become much easier for the lower-level employees to accept the change.

Setting Deadlines

Implementation of the change program at a smaller scale would allow you to resolve the issues and problems and upgrade the plan relevant to the company’s requirements. The small-scale testing phase could be highly time-consuming. It is significant that you should set a proper schedule and deadline for the testing, and clearly inform all the employees.

Documenting the Process

It is significant that you should document various phases of the change plan ranging from all the successes, issues, and failures. It would help you to develop a change implementation plan for future reference. However, it offers a guideline for the new employees to implement the changes efficiently and effectively.

Employee Training

The news of the change program would generate feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear; the training program would help them how to deal with the change. It is a great way for businesses and companies to set an example for the change program the company would implement in the future.

Conclusion: Strategies for Implementing Change in an Organization – Examples 

After an in-depth study of strategies for implementing change in an organization along with examples; we have realized that a change program is highly significant for business growth. If you are learning about the strategies and methods of implementing change, then you should keep in mind the abovementioned guidelines and examples.

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