Change Management Operating Model 

The change management operating model outlines a clear roadmap for companies to successfully implement the planned changes and achieve the desired results. Many businesses and companies have tested the implemented the operating models and they offer you proven results. Managers often employ change operating models to comprehend how changes in units would impact the other areas of the business. Today, we’ll discuss the change management operating model; key elements, components involved in the process, benefits; and top 6 models.

Element of Change Manage Operating Model

  • Visuals and documents
  • Decisions grid
  • Scorecards
  • People model
  • Matrix model
  • Blueprints
  • Charts
  • Maps

Components Involved in Change Management Operating Process

  • Developing a strategic approach by discussing with all the stakeholders
  • Knowing all the tools, systems, software, and other resources to conduct and perform various processes
  • Employing a systematic and well-structured approach to achieve goals and objectives
  • Skilled professionals play a key role and include them in your team
  • Recognizing the technological tools that are significant for the growth and progress

Benefits of Change Management Operating Model

  • Recognizing the core capabilities of the company
  • Offers best practices and approaches for the change projects
  • Amplifying the company’s performance and decreasing the cost
  • Outlining various processes in detail
  • Discussing the company’s goals and purpose with stakeholders and partners
  • Evaluating the overall functionality of the company
  • Comprehending various systems and processes that are adding value
  • Guiding the company in utilizing resources

Change Management Operating Model – Top 6

Let’s discuss the top 6 change management operating model and they’re as follows;

Satir Change Management Model

Virginia Satir developed the Satir change management model outlines how people and their families experience the change process. Along with family experiences and household environment, the Satir change model is equally applicable in the business environment and business changes. It comprises of following steps;

  • Late Status Quo: currently where you are and when you should start
  • Resistance: people’s natural response when they first come across changes
  • Chaos: there would be a lot of resistance, uncertainty, and confusion when you initiate the changes for the first time
  • Integration: the acceptance rate increases when the productivity starts yielding
  • New Status Quo: when employees and team members are accustomed to the new normal

Kubler-Ross Change Management Framework

Elizabeth Kubler Ross developed the Kubler-Ross change model and it outlines the grief experiences. It is applicable to multiple experiences of change. When you comprehend various phases and experiences of grief, then it helps you to better deal with employees’ responses towards change. While experiencing change, they go through the following stages;

  • Denial: their common response is to refuse to believe in something new or change information
  • Anger: it is their natural response when they have to comply with unwanted changes
  • Bargaining: employees would comprise on few things and avoid accepting the changes entirely
  • Depression: team members feel depressed and upset about the new changes that have made them feel helpless
  • Acceptance: when they acknowledge the fact that there is no alternative, they will accept the changes

Bridges Transition Model

William Bridges developed the Bridges transition model and it focuses on the emotional experience that the employees and team members experience while dealing with change. It comprises three stages that they are as follows;

  • Ending, Losing, & Letting Go: many people, employees, and team members resist the changes due to discomfort and fear
  • Neutral Zone: they feel stuck in the middle of the old status quo and accept the new beginning; when change starts unfolding
  • New Beginning: after the implementation of the changes; people would accept the changes and become accustomed to the new ways of doing things

Nudge Theory

Nudge theory guides you in executing changes by encouraging the mindset of people towards changes. It focuses on convincing people and team members to accept the changes as theirs. However, it comprises of following stages;

  • Recognizing and analyzing the desired changes from the employees’ perspective
  • Offering the benefits of the change program
  • Recommending changes rather than commanding and ordering it
  • Listening to the feedback and reviews of customers and making adjustments accordingly

ADKAR Change Management Model

Jeff Hiatt developed the ADKAR change model and it focuses on the following stages of the change process;

  • Awareness: making sure all the team members and employees comprehend the need for the change initiative
  • Desire: bringing everyone on board about the change program and making them consider change desirable
  • Knowledge: offering sufficient information and knowledge to all the team members on how to achieve the change process
  • Ability: conducting training programs for employees to successfully adapt to the changes
  • Reinforcement: collaborating with all the employees and stakeholders after achieving goals and objectives to make sure that the changes are sustainable

Kotter’s Change Management Theory

Professor John Kotter developed the Kotter change theory and it focuses on including people and team members in the change process. It comprises of following steps and they’re as follows;

  • Developing a sense of urgency to boost the morale of employees
  • Creating a change team by bringing experts from various departments and units
  • Defining a strategic vision in terms of where you want to be
  • Discussing the change program with all the employees, team members, and stakeholders and clarifying their roles
  • Recognizing the resistance and roadblocks that are causing issues
  • Dividing the change plan into short-term goals to make it more achievable
  • Maintaining the change momentum throughout the change process
  • Sustaining changes after implementing it

Conclusion: Change Management Operating Model 

After an in-depth study of the change management operating model; we have realized that the change operating model is highly significant for executing changes. If you are learning about the change management operating model; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned top 6 models; benefits, elements, and components involved in the change operating model.

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