Crisis Communication Team 

Crisis communication is the method of effectively communicating with the internal and external stakeholders of the company during a disruption and crisis situation. It comprises maintaining the company’s reputation, addressing their concerns, and managing the flow of information. Today, we’ll discuss the crisis communication team; their roles and responsibilities, and top reasons for building the crisis communication team. 

Reasons for Building a Crisis Communication Team 

  • A crisis event poses a significant financial and reputation risk to the company; a crisis team would decrease the negative impact of the situation 
  • Diverse team members with different expertise and experience, amplify the overall strength of the team 
  • Ensure consistent and accurate messaging during the crisis 
  • The company’s spokesperson removes confusion among employees and stakeholders 
  • Building trust and confidence among stakeholders 
  • Proactive, empathic, and transparent communication promotes positive relationships in the challenging time 

Roles and Responsibilities of Crisis Communication Team 

Some of the main roles and responsibilities of a crisis communication team are as follows; 

Team Leader 

The role of team leader plays a critical part in managing a lot of responsibilities of collaborating with various members of the team during the disruption and crisis situation. They need to make sure effective and clear strategic communication and make strategic decisions. 

However, some of the main responsibilities of the team leaders are as follows; 

  • Coordinating among various activities relevant to crisis communication; they settings goals, objectives, and priorities 
  • Analyzing the risks involving the critical situation and timely deciding about communicating strategies to connect with stakeholders 
  • Communicating with top management and executives back and forth; updating them about the communication flow and efforts
  • Prioritizing key stakeholders that needed to connect; and addressing their concerns and expectations; they’re like legal advisors, PR specialists, and team members
  • Analyzing the overall impact of the crisis on the company’s reputation; developing communication to meet the company’s values and goals 
  • Supporting individual teams to promote collaboration among team members; ensuring they have sufficient resources to perform various operations 


A spokesperson performs the role of the official representative of the company during the disruption and crisis. They have the obligation of communicating with the media, public, customers, and stakeholders. Some of the main responsibilities of the role of spokesperson are as follows; 

  • Building and maintaining relationships with the media, conducting press conferences, and interviews with journalists 
  • Developing a key message that is relevant to the company’s vision, values, and strategy 
  • Obligatory for the company’s spokesperson to effectively deliver the media 
  • Pay close heed to the media’s coverage, public response, and social media engagement to recognize any potential issue
  • Conducting training programs for other employees to improve their communication skills and expertise 

Information Coordinator

The role of the information coordinator is to collect, organize, and manage the flow of information during a crisis. It focuses on ensuring the timely availability of the right and accurate information to all the team members and stakeholders. However, some of the main responsibilities of an information coordinator are as follows; 

  • Collecting information from various internal and external sources like media outlets, TV, social media, etc
  • Organizing the collected information that is relevant to the crisis event 
  • Verifying the accuracy and authenticity of information from multiple sources 

Legal Advisor

The role of the legal advisor is to analyze legal implications, offer guidelines, and ensure regulatory compliance with the law during the crisis. They play a critical role during the crisis event; some of the main responsibilities of the legal advisor are as follows; 

  • Analyzing the legal risks like contractual obligations or liabilities
  • Reviewing all the official communication messages, statements, and media talks 
  • Providing legal guidelines throughout the crisis communication process 
  • Collaborating closely with the communication team to craft an effective crisis response  

Public Relation Specialist

The role of a PR specialist is highly critical in maintaining the company’s reputation and building an effective relationship with the company. They have the obligation to build an effective PR strategy relevant to the company’s goals and objectives. Some of the main roles and responsibilities of PR specialists are as follows; 

  • Managing and protecting the company’s reputation during the crisis 
  • Connecting and engaging with various stakeholders of the company 
  • Building an effective storytelling message to highlight the company’s effort toward recovery 
  • Developing communication material like press releases, official statements, and message 

Technical Expert

Tech specialists would offer the tech guidelines and expertise relevant to the crisis. They play a key role in managing and resolving the technical issues during the crisis event. However, some of the main responsibilities of the technical experts are as follows; 

  • Conducting technical analysis to analyze the impact of the crisis on the company 
  • Providing technical guidelines on how to communicate complex methods effectively 
  • Developing an effective crisis response planning to manage technical issues 
  • Sharing technical information with all the internal and external stakeholders

Communication Liaison

The role of communication liaison is to facilitate the effective flow of information during the crisis. They serve as a bridge and develop communication between employees and the communication team. However, their objective is to make sure that the employees receive the right information during the crisis. 

Engagement Specialist 

The role of a communication engagement specialist is to build positive relationships with various stakeholders of the company. The stakeholders could be government agencies, customers, employees, media, partners, suppliers, and community members who have a great interest in the company’s operations and reputation. 

Conclusion: Crisis Communication Team Roles and Responsibilities 

After an in-depth study of the crisis communication team; we have realized that the communication team plays a critical role during the disruption situation. If you are learning about the roles and responsibilities of the crisis communication team; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned reasons, roles, responsibilities and factors. 

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