Positive Culture Change in the Workplace

Workplace culture outlines the behaviors, expectations, and attitudes of employees relevant to the changing environment. The working culture of every organization is different and relevant to the core values, mission, and vision statement of the company. It comprised expectations and beliefs guiding employees and team members on how they should interact with one another to perform daily responsibilities relevant to the mission and vision of the company. Today, we’ll discuss positive culture change in the workplace; its importance and benefits, and positive steps in building a positive working culture.

Importance and Benefits of Workplace Culture Change

  • Working Culture impacts the employees’ motivation level, job satisfaction, working engagement
  • Amplifies employee’s productivity by 12% along with their happiness
  • 23% of the job seekers said that the company’s values and culture impact their decision to accept the job or not
  • 34% of the new employees leave the organization within 3 months due to poor culture
  • A negative working culture jeopardizes a working culture worth 50 billion USD

Elements of Positive Workplace Culture

  • Quality and frequency of reorganizations and re-management
  • Job security
  • Professional learning, growth, and development opportunities
  • Desirable working environment
  • Support and benefits
  • Witnessing and acknowledging unethical behavior
  • Developing and fostering a positive working environment
  • Streamlining core values with the actions of the leadership
  • Supportive leadership
  • Respectful feelings

Positive Culture Change in the Workplace

Let’s discuss the positive culture change in the workplace; the main elements are as follows;

Developing Core Values

Core values are the strong base and foundation of every organization. Companies should dedicate sufficient time, energy, and resources to streamlining HR representatives, employees, leadership, and various stakeholders. They should create a list of values that would reflect their organization in the long term.

Commitment to the Type of Culture

Leadership and management should have a strong commitment to the type of workplace culture they want to develop. It should include all the elements ranging from the frequency of employee interaction with managers, colleagues, and members to; the physical layout of the office. Develop clear policies and promote the right practices to encourage communication and interaction among colleagues and employees.

Departmental Goals & Objectives

Leadership should clearly outline the goals and objectives to achieve the desired results. It guides individual performance and promotes collaboration and coordination among employees and team members. For instance, if the team could easily achieve its goals and objectives, then you should redefine goals and objectives to push them towards their objectives.

Companywide Goals

Along with departmental goals, management should clearly define their organizational goals and make sure that employees are aware of the long-term goals. It develops a sense of professional purpose among them towards their roles and responsibilities in the working environment. Having a clear source of motivation will guide them to make efforts to achieve the company’s mission and vision.

Diversity and Inclusion

Management should develop an inclusive culture that welcomes employees and team members from various backgrounds and cultures. You should motivate employees to share their pronouns with the rest of the team members to develop inclusive language and promote workplace diversity. However, the HR department should make diversity and inclusion part of their recruitment process.

Sharing Ideas

Employees and team members want to become valued and heard regardless of their role and status in the organization. Interns and new employees bring a fresh perspective into the organization, and the experienced employees are busy with their work. However, the management doesn’t know where the new ideas come from, they should welcome everyone to share their ideas.

Strict Policy

The company should have a strict policy for employees and team members to openly share and express their ideas and issues in and outside the organization. The HR department should have a flexible schedule for employees to discuss their personal issues and workplace bullying. For instance, the sexual harassment helpline of the company should be available 24 hours to share their incident and experience at the workplace.

Employee Recognition Program

Companies should recognize and reward employees and team members for performing exceptionally well. Appreciation and admiration would motivate them to keep performing well, and it makes them feel a valuable member of the organization. As a result, it fosters friendly and healthy competition in the working environment.

Acknowledging Employees’ Feedback

Instead of following a directive and authoritative communication style, companies should implement a two-way communication style and listen to the feedback of employees. They have the working and operational experience of the company; their feedback plays a key role in the growth and success of the organization.


Management should develop a flexible working culture for employees. It earns the respect of employees and team members by improving the productivity of the organization; and caring about the personal, physical, and mental health of employees and team members.

Conclusion: Change Culture in the Workplace | How to Build a Positive Workplace Culture

After an in-depth study of the positive culture change in the workplace; we have realized that changing working culture is highly significant for employees. If you are learning about changing culture in the workplace; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned elements, benefits, and factors.

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